Threatened and Endangered Species
The wildlife biology and ecology expertise of Geo-Source, Inc. position us well to provide our clients with due diligence services pertaining to the potential presence of federally listed threatened and endangered species, pursuant to the federal Endangered Species Act, as well as state-protected species. Whether needed as a stand-alone evaluation or as a value-added service to an environmental site assessment or wetland delineation, Geo-Source, Inc. coordinates with federal and state agencies to research documented occurrences of rare species, and evaluates existing site conditions and relevant natural resource features for potential habitat available for such species. Geo-Source, Inc. is also experienced in conducting on-site biological surveys for many listed species and can assist its clients in incorporating management strategies to avoid incidental take or impacts to significant habitat.
Some planned activities, including those with federal funding or agency authorization, require informal or formal consultation with the US Fish & Wildlife Service pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Geo-Source, Inc. is experienced with navigating this process for many species including listed bats and a variety of aquatic species.